Tax Law - Andersen Ballão Advocacia

Áreas de atuação

Tax Law

• Tax Consultancy in mergers, acquisitions and liquidations of companies (direct and indirect taxes);
• Tax planning to individuals and corporations (domestic and foreign), including the use of advantages of Agreements for the Avoidance of Double Taxation of Economic Blocs – especially Mercosur and countries with Nil Taxation;
• Succession planning and asset structures and procedures with national and international individuals residing in Brazil;
• Advising investment funds in structuring domestic and foreign operations for entering and leaving the country;
• Financial planning and tax with securitization of receivables and other financial instruments;
• Consulting, the calculation of Income Tax to foreign individuals residing in Brazil and filing tax returns, including the processes of expatriates return;
• Assistance in obtaining Special Regimes of Taxation (ICMS, IPI, PIS, COFINS, ISS) and tax benefits on donations, sponsorships and other investments;
• Analysis and advice on issues involving all Brazilian taxes (IR, CSLL IRRF, CIDE, ICMS, IPI, ISS, II, IE, PIS, COFINS and others), and on issues such as transfer pricing and foreign exchange remittances abroad;
• Filing of administrative and judicial measures involving tax collection (tax litigation and pension);
• Consulting for Institutions of public and private pension in tax law and fiscal responsibility;
• Obtaining tax benefits and other incentives through negotiations with state and local governments.

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